About My Gardens
My own flower gardens also serve as a source of materials. During the warm summer months, I live in my garden.

A Garden View
As an active member of various plant societies, I have traveled to gardens in Wisconsin, the United States and Europe. I never return from my trips without new species to plant.

My Garden Shed
Currently, the list of plants that I tend numbers over 500 species.

Terrace Garden
Christl Iausly

Christl Iausly
Flowers are part of my personality. I love to grow them, learn about them, collect them, and work with them to create beautiful images.
As a young girl in Europe, I picked up the traditional German crafts of flower pressing and wheat weaving naturally.
Due to a scarcity of resources after the war, my friends and I would gather materials to make gifts and cards. From the very beginning, I created my own original designs, and still do.
From A Land Called Erzgebirge

Originally from Zwickau, Germany, located at the foot of the Erzgebirge Mountain, I immigrated to the United States in 1961.
The Erzgebirge region is believed to be the birthplace of many Christmas customs, and has a long tradition of producing high-quality handcrafted Christmas ornaments, including nutcrackers, lichterbogens and wheat weaving.
To The Hills Of Wisconsin

Rural Spring Green
When I moved to Spring Green, Wisconsin many years ago, I fell in love with the wonderful Wisconsin wildflowers and grasses, and began using them prominently in my wildflower artwork.
I travel throughout the countryside during spring, summer and autumn, gathering delicate flowers, leaves and grasses, always trying to be one step ahead of the highway crew to save some of the wildflowers before they are mowed.
An Art Business Begins

Christl and Her Art
After many years of making ornaments for my own Christmas tree and as gifts for friends, the demand for my work increased, until it developed into a small craft business.
Working with natural materials not only gives me pleasure, but is also a wonderful form of relaxation and therapy.
I enjoy sharing this experience with others, and am available to demonstrate, show, and explain my work to anyone who is interested.
Besides exhibiting at art shows, I offered a large selection of my work at the Wisconsin Artist Showcase Gallery in Spring Green,
where I was the official picture framer until the gallery closed.